Tuesday, June 29, 2004 @11:54 pm
Hey!!! 2nd day of school and blahblahblah...nah I won't bore you with the boring details of school. I'm sure L's days no matter what would be interesting, but something a little more interesting than school happened.
Theres just been this major blackout and it affected like half of Singapore. At about 10.10pm, L was diligently practising the piano. All of a sudden, everything went pitch black. And it almost literelly was. Things seem pitch black when you've had light all around you a millisecond before. Sounds were heard all around. Sounds of exclamation and frustration.
Being the regal person she was, L stood up, brushed herself, and went upstairs for a torchlight. All was good and well, so L went out of the door. I also must mention that she was along at home. Parents were out attending some solomn event. So out of the door she went, over the railing she stuck her head. What she saw amazed her. Where ever she looked, she only saw points of lights, no doubt coming from torchlights all over. The whole block and the next blocks, even the street lamps were out! Hearing loud comments about how many other areas were also affected, L went back in and played the piano in the dark. Doesn't that souund promising? She played the piano in the dark...
Oh well, then out she went and played with torchlights again, this time, she got a bunch of light sticks from her ever nice neighbour who almost bulked when she heard that L was alone at home. Ha. So, with her new light sticks, L went back to the piano. Made a few calls, took a few calls, listened to the radio. This lasted for 40 minutes, then lights flickered back on. You could hear sounds all around. Only this time they were not surprised exclamations, they were triumphant cheers!
On went the TV, where L learnt that the cause was some natural gas pipe from Indonesia...
you know you love me
Saturday, June 26, 2004 @6:28 pm
Hey people, its been one long exciting month, and L's back!!! She's had a smashing time in Germany. Have a look at www.frankenberggerl.blogspot.com
Everything was just so so so nice. Yes, even the things that weren't nice are nice now for L. Heres something from her,
"Appreciate each day like you'll never experience it again."
She definitely wouldn't have minded staying there for a while longer. And guess what? Now she's thinking of going to uni in Germany. Education is free for everyone. So she can go get her few years as an air stewardess, then go off to uni in Germany. Then after she's satisfied with her knowledge, she can come back to Singapore or somewhere and to medicine or veterinary science. Hmmm, seems like she'll really have to get some scholarship. Wow, thats easy. Afterall, she has to get her 9As by the end of this year.
She is so missing everyone back in Germany now. It was really so fun. Probably will be the most unforgettable month in her life. Especially the weekend at Berlin. That was simply fantastic. The the whole thing was simply supercalifragalisticexpealidocious!
you know you love me