Wednesday, March 31, 2004 @8:08 pm
i'm witing this in point fom so tt i emembe what to wite when i do wite tomoow.
1) MTV mccafe
2)Eldds, eheasal, editing
3)L stating to like the sheep
4)canky MT
5) L and H have yet to call T(f)
6)Tests to study fo
can;t wait fo weekend
7)no time to do anything
8)pactice staying up late
of couse, i'm not fogetting
you know you love me
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 @8:55 pm
yup yup yup, another day has gone. It seems to have gone faster and easier for our darling characters today. Less tediousness, less boring lessons (doesn't mean that there aren't any) and less tension in the air. L's thinking that she's slowly slipping into MT's black books. She's not been doing some stuff (namely hw) and she didn't know some things she apparently was to know of the class she was head of. Oh well, however superwoman L is, superwoman only does/remembers things she wants to, and anyway she already has plenty on her hands. And lessons were not so bad, all the way until the last 2 period, when L got that stupid ITE teacher, L truelly believes that her future students are doomed to the world of boredom. And then, there was a laugh with ML and 'her boys'. English is always fun. With this specific teacher, I can't say anything for any of the others. L went home, checked mail (the usual mundane but inexplicable stuff) and played a few minutes of the piano before heading off for German. Yee ha, FH is gone. L was really getting quite sick of her however much she tries to get down to their level. She was trying too hard. Now she can appreciate FA. During lessons, about 50% of the crabs were caught, the other half of them were caught after the lesson. After cleaning up pollution, care must be taken not to let the substance get polluted again.
Back home, L took a look at Denise, practiced the rest of her pieces and will be sitting down to study. Very surprised huh? Well, she'll study because she'll be studying for English. And somehow, she's starting to like the sheep. God help her.
you know you love me
Monday, March 29, 2004 @8:19 pm
Monday, Monday blues? I think so. MN went around with a water pistol again, at least geog. was fun. Well, L thought Geog. was the best lesson of the day. She definitely can't stand A Maths, where she understands everything perfectly when freaking MS is going through it but can't do a thing when asked to do a question. 9 As by the end of the year indeed. Chem. was fine, seems to be L's best subject. After that, she had to sit in a lesson taught by a sheep who knows her name! Can you believe that? The sheep called her famous for leaving work at home. Well, she did hand in her journal! I think the sheep was unfair, here's a secret, L suspects that the sheep has a crush on someone. The Baabaa never deals out punishments with him the way she does other people. But she also noticed a change, the sheep was for some reason or another, more lenient todoay, hope it lasts, or L will be the object of her wrath, as she is of someone's now. I won't elaborate yet.
Then she left at 12 for her health check, which was, of course, a total waste of time, because she was perfectly fit, doctor with atrocious English "you learn Germany?" said that too. Yup, L studied Germany, my foot. Woa, if a doctor spoke such English, L has a PhD! What an accomplishment.
After that, she went to burger king for lunch with T. (you may know her you may not) Had a nice time gossiping (what else)???
Back at music, it was the normal boring lecture. Fine, it was something L didn't know, so she had to listen, also because it was by a teacher she respected (another one of the few) , but he would do to include some more fun stuff (don't ask L what) in his lectures. They really are getting really boring. In Chinese, you would call it the same theme in a thousand pages.
And there was just another tiny problem for L, every time she sees her, she'll start thinking, "Whats her problem? She really has a problem." But then, I won't elaborate much, read other blogs and figure it out yourselves, if you really don't know, admit you are dense and ask L.
you know you love me
Sunday, March 28, 2004 @7:24 pm
OK, what happened this weekend. Actually, it was rather boring. On Saturday morning L went for the german immersion briefing after breakfast with her parents. It was ok. The interesting thing was the dance instuctor was someone who couldn't walk, and the singing instructor was someone with such a flat face and a roudn tummy. But, to L's surprise, he could sing! And he was once a teacher at CCHMS. Also this guy from the MOE told them crap about etiquitte. As if L needed it.
At piano, L noticed her teacher seemed tireder than usual. (she always appears tired) Happens that she had a fever and running nose. Poor girl, teaching when she's sick. Yup, never expected L to be sympathetic did ya?
And today, after looking at the script with director's vision and typing out the whole thing, off to grandma's house. There, she sat and watched TV all day. Boring, with a captital B. Until 4.30, when she got to see Zoe Tay. Yea, she adores her.
And tonight, she'll see how smart Singapore's lawyers are.
you know you love me
Saturday, March 27, 2004 @8:35 am
Friday, yesterday was Friday. Fridays in L's eyes are supposed to be the best day of the week. But her most recent Friday just got f***ed up. I'm going to shoot alot of undeserved words at some of you, but, that was L's thoughts at that point in time.
The morning and afternoon was fine. L managed to complete her jian baos and finished copying her A Maths. Yes, yes, copying, but no worries, she intends to do them by herself oneday.
In the afternoon, after some agonizing acting on some people's part, director L was satisfied with their performance. So off they trooped home.
But in the evening!!! After L primped and went off to school with C, they had to wait for 2 entire hours before the show decided to go on the road. The first hour was spent in peace and fun, walking around, talking to friends, complimenting people, and checking things out. But the second hour was entirely of waiting and getting irritated.
The moved the show into the grand audi. as it looked like rain. Yep, they took the whole damn hour. (or maybe it was because the blo*** guest of honour was late) Anyway, they waited for one hour in a hot stuffy grand audi before L stormed off with H and L2. L didn't pick up any of H's calls after the first one and she got an idea of what H wanted. For your info. L was getting to the point of evaporating by 7.30. The damn event wasn't starting, H's calls were irritating her and she had nothing to do. Then GC came over to tell L that L2 was looking for her. L wanted to ignore her, but decided against it. Hmmm, she knew what she wanted. Then L and L2 and H had a clash as to what time to leave. The atmosphere is normal now, but at that time, L and H were fuming at each other. Didn't hear or see it, but felt it. Thats how poised our 2 characters are. Poor L2 was stuck in the middle, but it was solved when L got sick of waiting and stormed out with the 2 tailing her before the show started. They got into a taxi from which people just got out, again solving a problem. In fact 2, 1: getting a taxi 2: L2 not knowing how to book a taxi. They discovered that the nice driver was actually an student. He actually wanted to cut $0.80 off the fare, but of course, being nice people themselves, the 3 people paid in full. Then they went into the ever so small YMS auditorium. The magnectic band was good, but L told herself that she had her share of live music only performances. Unless it is integrated with a play or something, music of any sort is only good as background. If you argue that it's good to observe the musician, L still says that a couple of times a year is enough.
After the 1 hour performance (L didn't expected it to be this short) T(m) drove L and L2 back to school to catch the last half hour of the show, leaving a sulky and 2 smiley people to find their own way home. L heard that Y and another 2 people who were supposed to go but did not would be made to pay the full amount. My, did she gloat over that.
Back in school, L was satisfied to see the crowning of the winners and a little of some other thing, (Joel didn't win).
She walked out with LX and C. Another plus when she got out, the uncle at the BBT shop gave her free pearls.
Actually, it was an ok night.
you know you love me
Thursday, March 25, 2004 @8:04 pm
Yo, its Thursday, the most boring day of the week for L. All 2 period lessons, other than A Maths. NIE teacher for E Maths, in L's opinion, MW thinks she is fun and actually believe her lessons are entertaining. She actually makes them do textbook activities and gives them more than 1 period to complete them. Can you imagine? 1 period to decide whether 3 triangles are congruent? And obvioudly she wasn't observant enough when she was observing MY teaching. She teaches as if she was in a Primary school instead of as MY always says ,"a class of good students." Of course, its L's class, so you can imagine how bored she was.(forgetting how horrible her maths is) After school she decided against staying for A maths remedial to go through the test paper and chose to go home and practice piano. She hasn't been practicing for 4 days. At german, it was FH's last day, don't worry, no sentiments wasted. L was actually shocked to see that she had gotten only 62.5% for her test. For all her claims that she didn't study, she was actually quite confidant of getting a A1. What a blow, and when someone got 96% too!
She received some interesting sms' from T(m). Apparently he decided to tell her that she had to go for the concert since it was subsidised by the school. But L always gets what she wants, and told him that she did not have any intention of missing either event (the other being the pageant), he then told her not to kill herself trying to get from one place to another. Not very interesting maybe, but still, the most interesting event of the day. And she got to see Denise's face thrice. Poor C, Utt wasn't hosting today, was a guest host, Randall was his name o. Pray for a more interesting story tomorrow.
you know you love me
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 @7:51 pm
What a day! For L anyway, as usual. School until 2, Eldds until 5, and theory until 7. Homework that has to be in by tomorrow only starts at 8.30. And the work includes S.S. hols. hw, A Maths, and of course, jain bao. Not forgetting the chinese formal letter that has to be memorised and chun hui bian si fang that has to be read.
MS decided to absent himself today, then giving Cr a load of work to do, to be done in the same book that the holiday hw(actually to be in by Friday), and wanted the book in by today. Guess what L did, no prize for getting it correct. Yep, she gave him the run. No way is she going to stay back and complete work that he said was to be in by Friday. yep, only the holiday work, she finished the work he set for that day. As for S.S., nice MG allowed it to be handed up the next day with only look. Yup, nice MG. And the Chinese is the usual daily load.
At ELDDS, they had to do this practice of shooting a film, (1 minute) as director, L did a damn lousy job. How was she the shots to be taken when she wasn't there the week they went through that, and nobody managed to tell he nothing, working with a faulty camera without a battery and to top it off impomtu notice??? Of course she didn't, though she did manage some, so good for her, she never fails completely in anything.
Luckily, she managed to cancel her practical tonight, which would give her more time to complete her work.
After completing her work, she still has to think of how to bring up the subject of going out on Friday with her parents when she didn't even know where she was going yet. She wanted to watch the whole Teen Pageant, but she had a concert to attend that night. But no worry, she'll manage to go somewhere.
you know you love me
Tuesday, March 23, 2004 @8:12 pm
Hey, its Tuesday! Whats so special about Tuesday? Nothing, other than its English Tutorial day. Of course, none of our characters had to go for E.T. today, cause obviously, none of them failed. L came home with again, tonnes of homework. And this was one of the first(yea, nothing wrong with my english, one of the first) times she felt bad about telling a cher' she didn't bring something when its actually not done. Oh well, she'll just have to do it tonight. The most interesting things happened at the MOELC today. They decided to check the lanyards that everyone had to wear to prove that they were a pupil of the MOELC, so everyone had to waste 1 minute digging it out, putting it on and taking it off once they got to the top of the stairs. Imagine the amount of time and energy lost! Then at break, Herr Anwar decided that he was very much in demand and said yes to L and H after he finished talking to Frau Sheela. Naturally, the person L and H wanted was F.S., so after a brief guten tag, they rushed off to chase F.S. At the end of the lesson, F.H. also decided that since it was her second last lesson, she wanted a memorobalia(sp) of her very first class, so out came the camera. So 'CHEESE' and aufwiedersehen!
you know you love me
Monday, March 22, 2004 @7:24 pm
Yes, first day of school, you'll all be wondering how everyone faired. Well, it was alright. You know, just all the undone work. L got off easier than she'd expected, especially with geog. She handed in her workbook a week late. Miraculously, MN was in a rush and she just took the book without a word. L had expected a pep talk about handing in work on time, how everyone one has handed it in. Of course, coming from MN it wouldn't really be pep talk, simply talk, which was to be dreaded. MN was one of the teachers L has real respect for. Talking about MN, L saw her at the bus-stop while she was walking with her mouth full,on her way to catch he bus. Someone, she swallowed just at the same time she caught sight of MN, then she coughed, threw of platic away and boarded the bus. On the bus, caught MN's eye again, and mouth 'bye' to her. And guess what? She did it with her mouth full! How much more horrifying can things get? You meet a teacher, you look like you choked at the sight of her, and you say bye to her with you mouth full! That was just the limit. But of couse, L did her act perfectly, no way would she show how horrified she was. Befoe that, was as usual, on Mondays, music. The satisfying things that happened was that when T(m) was explaining something, and he had this idiotic grin on his face, L told him to stop gloating over knowing more things than them, and at the end of the lesson, she called Y an irritating pest in her hearing. At break, they had a repeat of that blissful day, the beautiful sounds of the piano in the dark, only this time, they had a very experienced pianist playing for them. (I won't tell you who) At the end of the day, L went home with loads of holiday homework. Nah, its not the hols again, its the undone work!!! Plus additional work fom the sheep. O commented that L didn't have to sleep tonight. Now, wasn't that a little unneccessay O?
you know you love me
Sunday, March 21, 2004 @7:43 pm
Woah, what a day for L. Bad start, good middle (more or less anyway) and a horrible end. You wouldn't believe what was going on in her mind at the end. 'Freak!!!FREAK!!!Freaking idiot, moron, bastard, a lump of pathetic shit!!! (all in captitals pls) F*** HER!!!Disgusting freak!'
I won't tell you what happened, its not safe here, anyway, that would be telling too much. Sorry people, but the rules are the rules, and they are getting stricter by the day. What a pity. Well, she had a fab. mid afternoon compared to her noon and evening. Clue: to do with test papers. What was she supposed to do? Sit down all day doing sums, stuffing stuff into her already overflowing brain? Can you imagine her doing that? And, to top it off, the computer she usually uses decided not to power on, so now, she has to use a laptop. Such an idea would nomally have delighted her. But, this particular laptop needs an adaptor plugged to it all the time (obviously battery not working) and the 'r' on the keyboard doesn't work no matter how hard she bangs on it. You'd expect her to be grateful, well, she is, afterall, it was her birthday present from her dad. I won't tell you anymore. School chronicles coming up. Wait to see what someone who doesn't finish her work's first day of the term would be like.
you know you love me
@9:49 am
Woa, no matter how sucky Friday was, Saturdays would always be cool. Normal Saturdays, L would have gone fo her piano lesson and then for the $1 KFC Sundae if the offer was still on. This Saturday, L went to Fort Canning with H. What for? There was this UK in the park thing, and lots of freebies!!! Anything to do with Britain was there. There was this painting competition going on, Primay and Seconday Schools. Let me tell you the stuff they got first, a notebook, a pencil, a highlighte, a themos mug, of couse, postcards, and HENNA!!! Yeah, free henna, L got 2, one on her ankle and one on he arm. H did one on he hand and a painting on her arm. Henna's cool, but L made sure it wasn't black. Black henna is not cool, its fatal. Just like L to watch out for things like that. I won't tell you the games they played, but I can tell you that the people there were really friendly. There were lucky draws from the games, H and L both won something. H won a bag from the science quiz and L won an umbrella from the dart game. Ironic huh. L thought so.
you know you love me
Friday, March 19, 2004 @6:10 pm
Friday, supposedly the day everyone's looking forward to. But nooo, not for L anyway. This Friday is the last day of the hols. 1 week is really too short. Thats from L, so it must be believed. Its Friday, school's starting in 2 days time, and guess what? Not so much trouble guessing huh, yeah, L still has loads of work. She got dragged out of bed by a d**** alarm clock again this morning. For a dental appointment which she later found out she didn't have to go. Anyway, she went to the bus stop, and went up the bus which came when she arrived, then immaculate L found that her ez-link card wasn't in her wallet, she'd left it on the table. (sad to say, it wasn't the first time she'd took it out to slip it into her back jeans pocket and forgot to put it back into her wallet) Well, but you must forgive her, its just one of her little faults. Then she found that she only had a 10cents coin which she dropped onto the floor. The bus lurched and whoosh, down went L, of course, unscrapped or whatsoever. Up she came as poised as ever. Then this women presented her with her fare. She will definitely be eternally grateful to this kind soul.
At NUH (she arrived late), Dr. Ong told her that she needn't be there, just a call to say that she wanted her braces to be done by the students would do. To hell with the nurse who told her she'd got to go. You'll see our wonderful L with straight teeth by the time she's 18. (and hopefully retainer off too) The one year wait is much better then f****** NDC's 3 years. Take it from L, if you want to do braces, dump NDC, do directly to NUH.
Back home, the responsible L decided that she really must settle her homework. So, she went on to the computer and dug out her previous year's book reviews (extras she did in the dec. hols, see how hardworking she is) Then, she peacefully finished up the comprehension (leaving out summary) and completely finished her maths (other than work she didn't know about and those that she didn't know how to do) But no worry, heres her promise : 'All my work will be done by Sunday night.'
Well L, well see.
you know you love me
@6:00 pm
Hey, you must be wondering: immersed yourself in a book again? Well, ehh, actually, yes. Heres the juice. Yesterday was Thursday, L woke up, logged directly on to the internet, talked to she whoes wedding song was she, doodled here and there. Unlike her huh, but what could she do? Sit down quietly and do homework? So in the afternoon she sat down quietly and read a book. Then at 7pm, MTV most wanted. Tell you a secret, she's fallen in love with Denise. Funny she never likes guy celebs huh? (check a few blogs back and look out for the word crush) But she does like Gareth Gates, and why? Because of 'Say it isn't so' Spent an hour in front of the TV and saw Denise twice. Wouldn't you like to know what she thought when she saw that this *%&#^$ Tata Young came on to host after introduction by Denise and Utt. But it wasn't too bad, she happily finished her book while listening to good music, and she did see Denise and Utt close off the show.
Heres the surprise of the century, (not Willium Hung) but L actually did hw that night! She sorta finished her E and A maths, (you didn't expect her to really finish) As usual, bed at 12.
and you know you love me
Thursday, March 18, 2004 @10:28 am
I know, you are wondering why I didn't keep you updated yesterday. Thats's 'cause I been immersing myself in a book. Not wonderful, but enough to keep me glued. So, yesterday, a bl**** ringing alarm clock jumpstarted L's day, she had to be at tampines stadium at 9. She got herself up with enough time to spare, so she started to finish the Seventeen she bought the previous day. Once she started, naturally, she had to finish it, so, she left the house at 8.45. Strolling along the pavement to she MRT station, she admired the beauty of the morning and enjoyed the light breeze that was blowing.(an enviable life eh) Somehow, she managed to reach the stadium at 9.20 and guess what? She was the last one, but they'd just started. (don't worry, the hadn't been waiting for her) Once there, she warmed up with them and started training. She thought they'd be doing relay, but 2 people had to be missing, so a good 2 hours was put to drills and short sprints. (the track got a coach) 2 hours of training, and 70 seconds of relay. That was L's morning. After telling you all these, you must be wondering why L was even there in the first place. Here goes: the 4 schools sports meet was approaching, and of course, L was needed to be in the team. (did you expect anything else?) And that's the story.
Back home, L switched on the computer and an e-mail titled 'Article for newsletter ' jumped out at her. She had been requested to write an article about TT for the newsletter. Short of seeming polite, it was actually an order. Then another e-mail asked her to look for a song with the criteria 'Good use of music to illustrate lyrics'. Somehow, the song 'She' jumped into her mind. A search on the net for 'she' yielded only the idiotic S.H.E. She had to engage the help of the person whoes wedding song it was. (I won't tell you who she is, you've heard a number of things about her, if you really can't think, ask L)
After bathing, she decided to don a cross back top and jeans with a bum wrap.
Off she went for theory come piano lesson at 5.45. Once she stepped into the building, she pulled on her bum wrap. (wonder why?)
Back home, she finished the book she started at 11.30. With nothing to do (forgetting hw) she put on some music and stretched her hardworking muslces to it.
Boring day? oh well
you know you love me
Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @7:25 pm
oh i forgot to mention L called O just to aggrevate her with the news that she and C met Utt.
you know you love me
@6:47 pm
Hey peeps, guess what? You'll soon be seeing L and C on TV. (only for 2 minutes) I know, where, when, how, hold your horses, you'll know if you continue reading. So, L woke up early today, intending to do her homework, but she ended watching a movie on starmovies. (what did you expect her to do? sit down and do her work? i think not) She then went online until 1130, reading about America's next top model. Can you believe how slow Singapore is? They are showing season 2 in the states and its only the first few edpisodes of the first ANTM here!!! L was seriously thinking of writing a complaint to mediacorp. While dressing, L nursed thoughts of C standing her up (is play her out the right expression, at a loss of words again) Anyway, C did turn up, as usual, L was on time and punctual, contrary to accusations of her being late. (FYI: L is never late) So, off to orchard. Bought tickets, chatted, walked around, and entered the theatre. Typical before movie routine. And while walking around, they got asked to do a dedication on MTV's most wanted. Of course they said yes, why miss the chance to show the world your face and tell them you exist? So they dedicated The Voice Within by Christina Auguilera to all their friends out there. As usual, L did the talking while C stood and smiled. They got a GOODIE BAG. Ok, I know you are dying to know what was in it. Heres the list: 4 postcards of Utt and 2 of Denise. One of each was autographed
A MTV ball (yea, no joke, a ball)
A MTV notebook
And of course, not forgetting the bag it came in.
So split, split. I'll let you guess who took what. After the movie, another after movie routine came on, only 1 item though. TOILET!!! On the way out, they witnessed a perfect citizen giving someone a lecture on which toilet cubicle to use. Heres the transcript:
X: you shouldn't be using that cubicle, its for the handicapped
Y: but there are no handicaps here
X: still, what if one comes along, you shouldn't be using that cubicle
Unfortunately, L and C left before the conversation wrapped up. But L really felt like going in and giving the perfect citizen a lecture on consideration and the meaning of giving way to the handicapped.
Another surprise awaited them outside the toilet. DENISE & UTT!!! The total Utt fan didn't notice him. Of course, the totally observant L did. So, out came charisma and sweetness (kinda reminds of of O don't you think) and of course, the pen. They got every article that could be written on signed. The VJs were very nice (according to L, and when it comes from L, its true). With it raining outside, and them having met Utt and Denise, the pair decided to track them. They ended up standing above Mccafe for an hour watching them film and experiencing an earthquake. Yes, you read right, an earthquake. At first, L thought she was feeling things when she felt the tremours, but of course, the earth really was shaking, C confirmed that. (aw, what a blow for L, she thought she was experiencing something out of this world) While watching them, L taught C the art of 'making a show of being occupied' Heres a few tips from L: play with your phone, finger the keys
look to be waiting for someone, check your watch at frequent intervals.
With these tips from our life guru, you will never look out of place anywhere.
you know you love me
Monday, March 15, 2004 @6:39 pm
After a night of tiffs, L woke up at 9. Wow, 3 hours later than schooldays. Heres something from her: Savour every minute of extra sleep you get, for you only have limited time before you have to wake up at ununiversly hours again. I totally agree with that. As usual, L is right. One word of advice from me, never doubt the words of our darling L. So, after playing secretary and screening her grandfather's calls from his daughters her aunt, L went off in her PINK shirt and blueblack jeans. On the way to the bus stop, she debated on whether she should take a bus or a cab. She decided that she would take whichever came first. (she took a cab, costed her a good $3) At L.P., she raced up a stationary escalator only to find it being blocked off by this unthinking old man who coundn't wait for her to reach the top, so she had to go back down and run up the other stationary escalator. At the counter, she found that she had to spend $12, she forgot she had to pay for skates rental. (can't blame her, she has alot on her mind) So in she went, and someone started calling her name (woa, famous eh). After getting her skates from the freaky mute(not freaky as in freaky but freaky, you'll know what I mean later) After skating a few rounds in the superbly small rink, L came out to change her skates, her right foot kept turning in. (probably not so much the boots fault but her skill) It was a day of change, she wore her original skates in the end, the mute tied it for her. (lets call him John)
After a while, in came gerald, a freaking 9 year old who showed off his skill while refusing to teach either H, K or even L. (imagine someone refusing L) Well, she couldn't care less and went off to practice on her own leaving H to pester Gerald. But however good H was at pestering people, she didn't succeed with the P3 of AMK primary. L and H tried to get John down instead, but he had to man the rental station. He came in the end, after this gay looking guy arrived and took over. In swpet John, balancing beautifully on one leg then the next and spinning and jumping and doing who knows how many axles.
L obliged to K and H's request of backward skating and they put forward another request. L complied, telling them all the technical stuff from her experience, however many books she's read, she still preferred her own way. Some people may call it stubborn, but L calls it developing your own style. But although she told them all she could, she couldn't step into their body and control their muscles for them, though she very much wanted to (to stop constant nagging) Ok, they practiced and more or less got the hang of it.
Now they wanted to conquer backward crossing. So they tried on their own, imitating this woman who knew she was being followed but didn't do anything about it. Then they wanted to resurface the ice, off the rink they went. They sat down beside some sec ones who according to K were weirdos. H and L began talking about their school hoping that the weirdos would notice and start conversation. But of course, what can you expect from sec ones, (this batch anyhow) they didn't take the loud hints.
Back on the ice, while trying their backcross, this other freak (actually quite a nice guy) came over and starting instructing them (or rather L at first) how it was done. After 15 minutes of practice and 2 falls, L managed to do it awkwardly. Another 15 minutes of practice, it was almost smooth. (what a girl, what can come into her way?) (sorry can't think of the word) The guy gave H and K tips too. K tried to follow, and could do it (though very awkwardly, haha, L didn't laugh at her though she was accused of doing so). And what did H do? She snubbed him and gave him the 'this is easy for you' talk. As usual, what did you expect her to do? Listen to him quietly and follow instructions? You'll have to wait a million years after the world ends for that to happen.
After L returned her skates, she talked to Brian, the guy who taught her for a while and got to know him a bit(apparently she caught a fish).
She ran in the rain to the busstop, and eating her burger at the same time. And off she went to EL with the aim of finding the score of Marriage D'amour. In the end, instead of the one score she planned on having, she went home with 5 that she didn' planned on having. Back home, L spent the rest of the day relaxing, at least she planned to. I'll let you know what happened tomorrow.
you know you love me
Sunday, March 14, 2004 @10:38 pm
'beautiful sunday, it is my my my beautiful dayayay" beautiful day? not for L. She had to be nagged for standing under the mrt track with a wooden unbrella (not even metal) over her head in the rain by at least 5 people. You can imagine what she felt like after people had finished with her. An innocent act like admiring the beauty of rain can give one a horrible day if seen. Keep that in mind. And just a while ago, H had to aggravate L even more by typing irritating question marks over and over in the message box. And if thats not enough, L's m keeps up a constant string of nags every 20 minutes. well, thats a beautiful sunday for you. Of course, you are not to judge a day by one person's experience. have a look at other, then make your judgement.
you know you love me
@10:02 pm
The world is full of controversial issues isn't it? Take the government's stance on gambling, "they should focus of on 4D or toto for example" who said that? I'll let you guess. They want to build a bloody world classy casino in Singapore, BUT, Singaporeans are not allowed to gamble in it, it is to attract the rich foreigners. Why aren't locals allowed to play? Because the government wants to play family saver, wonderful role isn't it, save the families from destruction when the bread winner falls into huge debts. How admiralble. Ha. Huge load of bullshit. I'll tell you what the foreigners will say, "oh, Singapore is protecting its people again, I wonder what they will do to those who try to gamble, fine them? Afterall, Singapore is a FINE country."
Another issue: Babies. They tell us that Singapore has VERY limited land in geography lesson, and that more houses have to be built every year. Then they go on to tell us about the danger the earth is in, how we should minimize use of non renewable resources. And then, they tell us that education is important, how opportunities should be given to kids. Ok, after telling us all these, they tell us that theres the threat of an aging population and to have more babies!!! Ok, no land, families need homes. So, green land have to be cleared to build the houses. And if thats not enough, raw materials have to be used to build them. Woah, major environmental crisis!!! Ok, thats the land and environment problem. What about $$$, precious money that people work sooo heard to earn? Babies are expensive!!! They told people that 10 years ago, and now, they say that expense is not a problem, its the family love thats important. I ask you, how is a family going to be happy if they can't make ends meet? If parents can't give their children all available opportunities? Isn't it better to give one child a wide scope and see him through the highest education possible then have 5 and have them stop school after JC because the parent can't afford uni fees and the children are not smart enough for schorlaships? Aging population? Let all the old people die and you'll have more buildings to tear down, which means more space, its also more environmental friendly, less food is consumed, demand is less, less strain on the land not to mention extra fertiliser.
Its for the people's own good? Try running the country like switzerland and see what the people really want you old fashioned government.
from ME
you know you love me
@9:48 pm
Hey peeps, its Sunday!!! And the best thing is, theres no school tomorrow! At least not for most of the A list. Its been a freaky month hasn't it. There has been freak floods, and did any of you hear about the girl who slipped into the drain outside school from H or anyone else? Freaky eh, who would have thought that Singapore the safe and peaceful country in terms of people and natural disasters would flood so badly. (comparing only to singapore) According to meteorologists, the rain fall this March is going to be the highest in Singapore's history. Apparently this kind of freak weather happens once every ten year. Why? Go ask ML or some other geog. teacher. In January, it was continous medium rain, but March...Now you know why people say 'as mad as a march hare' March is mad. You get a heavy downpour flooding everywhere one day and sweltering heat the next. As L says, "One day, Singapore will snow." Another freaky thing is the appearance of freaky people in the M people's lives. Of course, I'm talking about Y. And partly X and Z as well. Also, I'm sure all of you have been getting freaky results. L and H sure did. Talking about L, she had a freaky evening. 15 minutes before the Parent Trap's credits started to roll, her freaky m barged into the rm and started irritating, frustrating her, all in all, making her life hell and not letting her enjoy a movie in peace. The freaky advertisments are sick enough without having to add a freaky m moment to it. Well L, no use getting mad about it, you get wrinkles faster you know.
you know you love me
Saturday, March 13, 2004 @5:59 pm
This morning, L was dragged out of bed by a phonecall from a sheep. "maa, maa, come to school" So off to school she went to comply with the orders of the sheep. After doing what she wanted, L saw T(m) and went to talk to him. When he heard of her wonderful morning, the nice guy called his fellow worker crazy. Yeah, she drives L crazy...L went home after an hour in school, had lunch, practiced, and went for piano, where she got reprimanded for not practicing her scales and getting all her fingering wrong. How typical her L, not practincing scales. Tell you a secret, L actually does practice scales, she plays C major before she starts every practice. So there!
you know you love me
@5:43 pm
After TT, L commented that MrsT(m) was very patient. This was seconded by H and O. "Thats why she's my wife." I think its obvious who said that. That is very idiotproof. M people went back the M.rm. for their bags. It was Chung Cheng high School at 9.30pm, the corridors were dark and the lake was shinning. Ghost stories were unavoidable. If you walk to the end of the corridor towards the m.rm. after 10, you will see a while figure floating out, it will float past you and dissapear. This is true, keep it in mind. When the bags were lugged back to the LT, O discovered that her file was missing and went back for it with ever obliging L and H. (and K, cause she was scared. and managed to get even more scared)
After making sure that each of them were walking alone in different directions, T(m) left them with MrsT(m).
On the way out X freaked, I mean really freaked, when the wonderful storytellers L, O, and H started telling stories. This kept up until the bus-stop where the storytellers left for supper.
At the 24 hr place, (i'll let you guess where that is) L and O decided that the most wonderful thing about organising such an event is the speed and depth you get to know our team mates. So next time you want to know some people, organise something (preferbly with a tight time frame)
you know you love me
@5:19 pm
Before TT, M people went into the LT to face a cranky T(m). I'll call it a 'too little time to be nice to people' moment. That was until the rehearsal ended. They had a wonderful preview of the event. Of course, everyone did much better on the actual night. As it is, a bad dress rehearsal means a wonderful night. Naturally, freaky Y had to open the piano lid, and start pressing the keys. " I'm not playing, I'm just banging" I'll be nicer and call it pressing the keys. She seems to be in love with sonatinas. She even brought her favourite score, whatever that is. When told to stop, stopped, and started again 5 minutes later. T(m) snapped at her. hooray!!! Sad to say, (actually, I enjoy saying this) she was more or less (actually totally) useless!!! Many quieter people were much more useful and hardworking.
After rehearsal, T(m) divided the labour. After most of the labour was done, O and him had a balloon blowing competition. Guess who won? T(m) managed to blow a balloon, yes, after much spluttering and aganised expressions. I'll let you infer. After that, they had a balloon tying competition to even up. Upon hearing the go ahead, T(m) did his hastily. Haiz, T(m), haven't you never heard of more hast, less speed? But of course there are exceptions. Once again, I'll let you infer.
He then gave M people 15 minutes to change. O and L made the observation that all the girls wore jeans that were tight at the thighs. Then, the only to people to care about the appearance sat in front of the highly reflective piano and did their hair. L helped O pin up loose hair. She did so after many tries. Picky and particular O didn't want the pins to be seen sticking out. For that, she sacrificed pinning up the very curved parts of her head.
M people spent half an hour roaming the school, hearing contestants practice, interacting and running in circles (literally) before heading back to the LT for the last 2 minutes before the gates of heaven opened.
you know you love me
@4:57 pm
Good morning, let me run through every aspect of yesterday's TT with you.
Audience started pouring in once the doors were open. M people didn't have much problem with them, until they called for audience to be seated, when one girl decided take 2 minutes to find a seat while T(m) starred and commented. At last, "Ladies and gentlemen, talenttime 2004, beeeeedazzled" I'll leave you to guess who said that.
L stayed at the entrance after doing her job with the lights. Nice L wished every contestant and calmed many nerves. (isn't that nice of her?) The clothes (not the best word, but can't think of any other) of the contestants were very nice, some of them were especially nice.A couple were casual, but most went for the glam. (there was a group a slink)
The spotlight chose to take a break in the middle of a performance, causing much inconvenience to many people. How inconsiderate, it deserves a good talking to.
After the intermission, L had to pull 2 contestants to the holding rm., we can't have contestants running loose can we?
T(m) was over at the entrance a couple of times. Commented, made faces and 'soured' (translate that). He took off some socks, commented on and leaned againt the ohp. When L asked if he was sure the socks weren't his, he made that face he has became so adept at making.
The belly dancers (actually female impersonators) were wonderful!!! L totally didn't expect such improvement (can't find a word again) Their big sister must be really proud of them.
As T(m) thanked people, L went out, jumped about some distance from the judges in the hope of pestering them. When they were done, L flew done the steps with the results. Then she escorted vp to the prize table. H had to comment that she was supposed to be walking in front of and not behind him.
After Pok Hon (aka pop corn) had taken the last bow, L and others threw balloons down, much to the delight of some of the audience.(I say some because there were only a few balloons)
"We have now come to the end of talenttime 2004, bedazzled."
you know you love me
Friday, March 12, 2004 @11:17 pm
Gossip of the day, (sorry, details will come in tomorrow, gossipgirl is already nodding off as she types this)
Cirriculum: MT SUX 2 THE CORE!!!! She thinks she's sooo (i really can't find the word). So what if she doesn't like that proposal, she's only a very very small and dispensable member of the class. Why must we call it off just because she says so?
TT runthrough: something bit T(m) (note the diff. btn MT and T(m)) touchy, gan jiong (very), snappy, irritable. (tell you a secret, L would become like that too if she were in charge. who wouldn't)
However cranky, T(m) managed to have a balloon blowing competition with O, and lost miserably.
But there was the balloong tying competition, which he won by a mile.
Y was her most irritating today. Couldn't be worse.
Introduction of new character, Z. The one who likes the doctor alot and misses many things.
L thought they wouldn't be able to finish the deco.
During TT: only catch was spotlight failed for a while, and both camera and video cameras ran out of battery.
T(m) not so irritable, seemed like he made it a point to enjoy himself.
Craked a number of jokes, haha even apologised for previous irritability (rare in people in his profession)
Everyone still had to run around, but everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously, I think I can say that for everyone. (who would dare contradict gossipgirl.)
Everyone tired at the end, had a promise that T(m) owed them a treat.
Apparently, (according to K) T(m) was fawning over his wife (awww, how sweet)
She's his wife because she is patient, really, you wouldn't believe how patient she is.
Out of sch.:
L, O, H and K went for supper. The first they've had during school days if you notice. (not tt theres many chances)
L went off while O stood forlornly, trying to flag a driverless cab.
watch out for details
you know you love me
Thursday, March 11, 2004 @10:25 pm
3, 2, 1!!!! Talenttime!!!!, Awwww, sorry to dissapoint you, but TT is tomorrow. Today, L had another dose of freak, but not after she had a wonderful time preparing for TT again. L sat through a whole day of as usual boring lessons, (a wonderful feat, she deserves a round of applause). After school, she ran in the rain twice (earning her looks from shorty warhit(sp)_, just to collect her testimonial which she later showed off to O. After that, LT, TT. Isn't T such a wonderful letter? Doesn't it make you long for a cup of tea. I think I'm going to have some after this, the caffeine in it is just enough to keep me up for some time more. I should tell this to L, she's dying from lack of time and a sleepy brain. The 'belly' dancers performed for them again. I applaud them, they really put in alot of effort and you could tell that they really wanted the go ahead. L however, thought they were not good enough (apparently so did T(m) and O) . L kept up an irritating string on how their timing was off, and their actions had to be firmer and more seductive. Actually it wasn't that horrible critisism, since a particular someone had once said that critisism should be taken as constructive critisism.
After running for her bag, jumping to stick several stars on the walls, L left with L2 and T(m) to buy BALLOONS!!! among other stuff. They were made to walk in the rain to the car!!! After which, L spent a frusting 20minutes waiting for a bus and ended taking taking another.
At class, L attention was pulled to H sticking out her bare feet to her. Apparently some interesting stuff happened on H's way out. Then L had to listen to FH banter about her sloppy she was and implying that L was irresponsible. How hurtful!!! (hmmm, but I don't think L cared, to hell with FH, she can't take any more stress than ... a fish?)
And about freak inccident: at the busstop, L asked Y, " why aren't you in there helping them?"
and guess what? she had something on, yeah rite, something on with her bed, "I want to go home and sleep, I'm very tired."
How freaky can one get, you tell me.
I'll see you at TT tomorrow
you know you love me
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 @8:25 pm
Heres a summary of todays gossip:
evidence: "the piano is distracting"
"i don't like that kind of burger"
face he gives when he hears freak stories
evidence: "eh, tell me lah"
" what? what? tell me lah"
"eh, don't like that lah"
evidence: "what what what, so interesting" at hearing the start of some new gossip
Sticky to wife
evidence: frequenty meets up with her in school
Cynical (correct word?)
evidence: calls O a cradle-snatcher just because she finds monkey cute
(updates are welcomed, drop me a note, you know my address)
plain irritating and freaky
evidence: MUST play a piano when she sees one
complains at inappropriate times about her food
repeats herself too frequently
childish, (children should be seen and not heard)
uncomplying: throws responsibilty at someone else
self-centered: starts sentences with, "I want..."
sounds mean? well, can't be helped, I know you like it
you know you love me
@7:59 pm
Wee, its wednesday, don't you just love the sound of wednesday? A 3 syllybus word that took you ages to get right, do you remember the way you felt when, at last, people stopped telling you, "Its 'wensday', not 'wennes-day'"
Well, its wednesday now and I hosnestly can't think of a better day. The day is always nice when our main characters are enjoying each others company busy with something or another. And, today, after school, they had TT again!!! Only this time, its something much better then what they had been doing, it was REHERSALS!!! After school, L walked down with C.(yes, i know, new character) So, down went L, and met T(m) going into the LT. So of course, L went in to put her bag down, planning to go on to the canteen. Little did she know, she would be kept there till she left school. While waiting for her activity, C kept complaining that she couldn't find H, and of course, gave up. (just like her) L asked F (another new character, full of new characters today) to get her something to eat. In the end, F ended buying stuff for Y too.(X n Y have switched identities, thanks to our dear H) While people were ordering, T(m) grumbled about how he hasn't eaten his lunch, but when asked what he wanted, he decided against having anything. (men...)
Today, Y was more of a freak!!! then ever. The things she did...!!! Bangs on the piano (nothing new), complains about her food, shrieks responsibility and all in all made herself a complete nuiscence. There'll be alot of gossip about T(m) today. He was hangering after a burger, and when he heard it was Y's, "oh, I don't like that kind of burger" And of course, when he had cleared up the 16 year old's test business, he had to go the long way round to break the 'unfortunate' news to them. The whinney kid, (T(m) of course) hankered to know gossip about him and got so interested when he heard some new gossip, (which of course, is nothing new to our main characters ;))
Of course, the rehersal: well, there was this cute little boy from the 1CR dance group that L and O found particulary hilarious, and really really cute. You'll know who when I see you there on Friday. L and O did a few predictions for the champs:
duet: ck and...
Our wonderful characters had a wonderful time, with wonderful music, rushing stuff that needed to be done, surpassing themselves in many aspects, (I decided to be nice for a change)
As someone said, "It is always good to do something out of character once in a while."
With this inspiring qoute, I'll wrap up the day of gossip.
you know you love me
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 @9:58 pm
Another new day, another new story. I know you are all jumping around on your toes. Here goes.
Early in the morning at 6o'clock (actually 7), L went to look for O. Of course, for TT, what else are they busy with these days? So, L found O, when they were preparing to leave, and as they were leaving, L got a taste of how helpful, and well known O was. First, she went through English with someone, then, she stopped to talk to at least 10 people (wonderful for people with her, isn't it?). And L saw how good she was at giving people chances, apparently she had put a couple of names down for counsellors. wow, another peep at helpful and mature O. (don't worry O, L has nothing against u, so don't get pissed)
Classrm was ok for L. Much to her relief and delight, M(T) didn't come, so she had a whole period to devote to Chinese (her fav. sub. isn't it) Well, after that, she puzzled her wonderful brains over Amaths, and had 2 wonderful hours of Chinese with a blue and white sheep. (delightful isn't it? can't have anything better)
After school, she met up with gloomy moody problematic H. Of course, that was understandable, wouldn't u, if u failed ur average? And of course, no matter how understandable it was, it was still GOSSIP!!! I won't tell you how, thats for you to find out and for me to know.
Out with T(m), moods changed. L2 and L got to see H and T(m) change moods. If you were there, u'd know. They also got to see how picky men were, and the faults of men. Typical.
When L and H finally left for 3rd lang., it was 4pm. But they were on time, (on time is late, remember?) After a routine lesson, back home to study study study to get their 9As. wish them good luck
you know you love me
Monday, March 08, 2004 @8:43 pm
yes yes, I know this is one of MANY posts today, but its ok, cause you know you love me. Hey, HOLIDAYS are coming!!! Whats everyone going to do? Well, I'll tell you about L. She's going to spend one whole day in the library catching up on reading, one day in the cinema, catching up on movies, one in the esplanade library (i'm not going to use EL) and probably a couple studying. Invitations are open to go to the movies and library with her. Wonderful, now L thinks of all the tests this week and thinks of how she is going to get her As. She tells herself that she WILL stay up to study, but when has she ever done that? You know her, oh well, what do you do with a girl like that? Science loving L now starts to find chemistry boring, although I hate to say it, I think its because of the teachers. I've been in that teacher's class, the bare truth is, it is VERY boring. Oh well, what can she do about it? She has to do what she does best (make the best of things)(of course, she excells at everything, what can you expect?) And now the sheet is crying "I'll tell your father" at L. Reminds me of some whinny daddy's girl. ;p
Poor L, having to put up with all this. Tomorrow, she'll stuff her brain with stuff again and will go through everything thing all once more.
while waiting for tomorrow's report, you know you love me
@6:32 pm
What a world. 祸不单行 Out of all the CAs L took she only got decent marks for 1. ONE!!! And that was not even a A! L and H have to get 9 As by the end of the year. I don't know about H (at least not much), but somehow I think L will HAVE to drop one subject. (Theres no way she can meet that criteria) Well, maybe if she tries hard enough, she can scrap As for her sciences, maths, english, german, (music?), (geography?). I just don't think she can make it for Chinese, S.S. What do you guys think? H should get A for chinese (raving about her wonderful tuition cher all the time). H and L talked to V.P. today, he was his usual self (i wonder what tt really is). Easy and nice to talk to (n to argue w?) They went home at around 6pm. (Y and all) What were they doing the whole day? ahh, interesting, let me tell you.
H had a wonderful time selling tickets (wonderful?) Anyway something interesting happened, I can't tell you what, but apparently she learnt something from it. (As T(m) pointed out) One thing everyone learnt from it is not to hold TT in such a small place in future. Talking about Ts, according to T(m), T(f) gave birth yesterday. (about time too) Congrate T(f)!!! And talking about Ts, let me tell you what happened during music today.
Well, L walked into the m.rm. w O to a rather 'bouncy' atmosphere. They had a nice laugh at some wannabe (but rather william hungy) dancers. They were trying to be funny, they had put in effort, but obvioulsy not enough. Not enough to entertain during TT anyway. Their actions were off time, they decided last minute what to do, and it was actually like they had no other action to offer other than butt shaking (which wasn't tt shakey actually) and leg kicking(which wasn't tt coordinated). So they were crap! (good craps).
After they left...BOOM! T(m)'s face and tone changed. Some insensitive people continued joking as we sat waiting for insensitive and irresponsible people. The atmosphere tensed even more as everyone stared at the face of a ticking bomb as a minute stretched into 5. At last J burst in (to give her some credit) The bomb didn't explode (miraculously), instead, it started talking. Being sarcarstic, sharp, and ...(FITB)(sry, can't think of a suitable word). Thank goodness L passed(T(m) was talking bout the test BTW) O and H weren't so lucky. Freaky Y was one of the top. After a while, O observed that R (who got 'shot' at) was actually very sad bout his results. People started chipping in about how R actually took it seriously, but...who knew what happened. OK! enough, this is morbid enough.
T(m) went on to write a melody that he didn't like (when he was actually quite nice) in a hell of a short time. Of course, its all because of EXPERIENCE!!! Can't blame ourselves for our incompetence. Before he started writing, she showed his irritence at X when she started playing the piano. (showoff?) You don't see the good players playing everytime they have a free moment.
After that, TT again. Isn't it getting boring? L got dumped with the extra tix (actually she's fine w tt) and O has LT deco layout to finish by tomorrow. Wish then good luck.
you know you love me
@6:31 pm go see what magic eye is about.
you know you love me
@6:24 pm
Woahhh, L's got a crush. (actually 2) typical? maybe, maybe not. Of course, I can't tell you who, L hasn't given me permission. I can't even hint, L'll kill me. Anyway,Sunday was a typical grandma house day for L. She found out about this magic eye thing.
Its interesting, but couldn't see a thing! Apparently her aunt spent 10 years trying to see something (in the end she succeeded). She also got to know from her aunt that BARBIE and KEN (yeahhh, love them ;)) divorced. (awwww,sooo sad) Of course, when H heard about this she had to know it ages ago. L and H started getting bonkers about B A R B I E!!! Cynical O trying to act 'mature' as if she were too old for barbie, started sniggering behind with WK. What a mature girl...
you know you love me
Saturday, March 06, 2004 @4:49 pm
Today L made up for lost sleep from the wkdays. Then went for brunch with her parents. There was this opening of a new stall, which means lion dance. Lwould have appreciated it if there weren't 3 lions and if the drummers and cymblers weren't so damn loud. As it was, she had to pluck put some tissue and stuff them into her ears. (got laughed at by her parents)
Piano lesson was as usual for L. (pleasant and not that exciting) Talked about some useless stuff (but still stuff tt she bothers to talk bout) with her teacher, went through pieces and the usual things one does in a piano lesson. (definately not as exciting as H's lessons, what w shouting matches and all)
Back home, her freaking mom nagged at her about cancelling one month of fees for June. Poor L had to repeat herself 3 times before her mother understood. She and her teacher had agreed on extra lessons. Her F.M. continued as usual, putting up a fight. One day, L will learn to leave the bait alone, but the time has not come yet.
Arguements w L's F.M. are soo unlike arguements with H. Those are stimulating and looked forward to.
Friday, March 05, 2004 @9:18 pm
warning:may be tedious
Today L stayed back in school with H, O and others. Did plenty of stuff for Bedazzled, and partied hard too ;). Oh, and new freak alert. We'll refer to her here as X. (the other will be Y)-sounds bitchy i know- Anyway, L ended her day with the as usual interesting geog. (and plenty of wkend study)(as usual). Ms. was as usual unpredictable and gamey. After dismissal, L left her bag outside the m.rm.(as usual, she and Y were the earliest) At the canteen, wonderful, versatile L showed off her talent by skipping 450 times at the stupid healthy lifestyle fair, (supposedly supported by P, but seems more like T(f)) Anyway, she won 5 cans of stupid drinks that she couldn't seem to find when she got home. She gave one to H, one to W and one to O. Kept 2 for herself, but it seems like they got stolen. Who dares steals L's things??? After T(m) briefed them, H went off for her trails, L staye with O's team. Plenty of crap and rot suggestions were thrown forward for the announcement, had unbreathable laughs over them. 'it bangs...' O hung her head outside the door and laughed for the whole world to hear (apparently for fresh air) KYnow has to find a piece and play it in front of everyone. Unhumoured guys didn't find anything funny, (typical). In the middle of a laugh, responsible L had to go off with the guys to measure stuff. She watched people lose to teacheres in Cpt.B. 16-2 while the guys asked for the key in the end to be told that someone else had it. Trooped back to the m.rm. Had a PARTY!!!(for bout an hour)Who would have known how fun playing the P., chatting, arm wrestling, dancing and sleeping in the old unattractive m.rm with it totally dark could be. (we should do it more often) Finally YZ realised the time and L went off with them again. This time, to find out that the key to the other entrance was there all along!!! Went to LT., started measuring without problems. Then, X bounced in.
"where's your group?" L asked.
"hiaz, its was totally wrong to put me in the artistic group, I'm not artistic lor." X replied
So, X stayed and gave comments aplenty, meddled with lights and all in all, was extra.
Finished the task, went back to m.rm. Dismentled the P and listened to JY play. Wonderful. L wonders how they could be taking the same grade. If it so happens that she has the same examiner as JY, she had as good as failed the exam.
Feeling guilty for doing nothing, L went to the s.rm. to kakae ask whats happening, hows things going on, (in fact doing everything someone in her position should do, so it wasnt kakae) In the end, she posted herself by O and R pointing out mistakes, dictating and all in all, doing all that one in her position should do.
Later in the m.rm., she had to snap at X before X could comply. And she got another taste of how talkative and self-centred X could be. Felt like giving her a smack. (in fact a few)
Back at the s.rm., L became really extra, so she went out to cut tickets. At last, she was useful. As a routine, she argued with H over how something should be done. Guess who won ;)
haha, after tix were done, there was another discussion, (where X made an extra of herself)
And at last, they could go. But, before they went, there was a chance to 'sour' T(f) when his wife came. (now you know who T(m) is)
On the way out, L, H, W and O had a nice time pitying X (Y went off earlier for her P lesson) and 'souring' her. (if you don't know what 'sour' means, translate it)
And that wraps up Bedazzled for the day. To say the truth, I really think L is wonderful, doing so many thing, (all someone in her position should do)
you know you love me
Thursday, March 04, 2004 @9:26 pm
FINALLY!!! after hours (actually 1 hour) i have managed to sort the colours out.
stay tuned
you know you love me