Thursday, November 24, 2005 @4:39 pm
O levels are over, holidays have started, secondary schoo life has ended.
For some reason or another, I didn't find the exams all that bad. In fact, it was quite fun, though it got pretty dry towards the end...ran out of steam :p But who cares? They're finally over! Yipee
They've been over for nearly a week...I've been doing all that I've been deprived of during the exam period.
Sleeping all I want, TV, surfing, catching up on serials, movies...
Chalets are over too. All squashed into 21st-23rd, 4CR and EDS chalet. They were a blast. I'd love to tell you all about them, but theres too much to type. I'll be nice and tell you that the most interesting thing that happened was a prank call.
23rd, we had to leave at 7am, go home, change and then go to school immediately for PAE briefing.
I submitted my choices via internet today.
1) VJC
4) AJC
6) MJC
all science streams...VJC's a wildshot...I have no idea whether to appeal or not...I'll see if I bother to...Doesn't really matter if I don't though...ACJC's not bad. The whole school is air-conditioned and their sports building is really nice. I shall go to ACJC for fun for the first 3 months then move to VJC is I don't get into VJC for the first 3 months.
As for subjects, I'm definitely taking Maths, Biology and Chemistry at H2. Hopefully, I can try out drama and german at H2 for the first 3 months then decide after that. If I end up taking drama, I'll take German at H1. And if I end up taking German, I'll take Lit. at H1.
I'm considering KI, I think its really interesting. I'll see where God leads me...
Things I have yet to do are:
Catch up on korean shows
Rewatch Da Chang Jin
Send out Christmas cards
Catch up on movies
Go thailand (7th-13th)
Do silly things
Go ice-skating
Yep...plenty to keep me occupied with :D
you know you love me