Saturday, February 09, 2008 @1:55 am
my 400th post!
Go there to get me tickets to Celine Dion's concert!!!
One in Germany in June would be nice.
you know you love me
actual updates after Sunday!
Saturday, February 02, 2008 @1:55 am
i quote from fred
"I miss life as a student.. cos not all that rubbish tutorials that i didn't know how to do.. i can do without those thanks. But i mean life as a student, crapping with friends in the choir room, going to canteen to da bao food back to choir room.. angel-mortal with junior class, travelling from v48 to LT5 where we counted the number of "okays' Mr Toh says.. sleeping in lec.. or hoping someone falls asleep and drops all his stuff onto the floor with a loud crash.. anticipating the bell singnalling end of lec.. occasional lunches at parkway.. blogging in the com lab and flaming some teachers.. avoiding Mr Tan.. stoning at the tree house.. stinking up the classrooms after PE.. eating breakfast during GP.. buying muffins from 7-11 opposite school.. walking over to bird's house.. studying at airport.. seeking help from prof wong, prof chew and prof chua..
When ur at it.. u never think u'd miss it.. until u can't do it anymore.."
too lazy to write
was just blog surfing
actually do have things to write...
haven't written for so long
writing skills, where are you?
nevermind, I'll test them again when I can be bothered
you know you love me