Friday, November 23, 2012 @2:44 am
Today is Thanksgiving.
A day of turkeys and feasts in the States.
A day of less work for people working for American companies here in Singapore.
A day we know of through Hollywood.
But nevertheless, a day of reflection and thanksgiving.
I was earlier thinking of a few particular things I was thankful for, and as I came to jot them down, a whole wave of things I'm thankful for came to me.
I'm basically thankful for most of my life.
Thankful for my family.
Thankful for growing up in Christian schools, that gave me the opportunity to build my relationship with God that has helped me through in the years to follow.
Thankful for my ununfriendable friends from EDS.
Thankful for the music in my life, for the two teachers that have instilled this love.
Thankful for my 2 years of incredible fun in JC and for the amazing S33.
Thankful for my opportunity of flying.
Thankful for Ballare, the dance, the partner, the company, the instructors.
Thankful for my few steadfast law friends.
Thankful for my exchange experience.
Thankful for my <3 German family.
Thankful for being relatively intelligent and talented ;)
Thursday, November 01, 2012 @10:48 pm
I hate the thought that such a big happy part of my life is at risk again :(